

When someone asks what religious denomination I belong to, or what my Christian beliefs are, I usually respond that I approach my beliefs from the perspective of reformed theology. I usually get blank stares, or the person simply ignores the answer I gave. I don’t take it personally, because I understand it’s terminology that’s not familiar to many. So what is reformed theology?

Reformed theology traces its roots back to the Protestant Reformation aka the reformers. And the reformers traced their beliefs back to apostolic doctrine. The results of having this type of belief lead to living under the credo, sola scriptura. This means that scripture alone is authoritative for the faith and the Christian practice. When someone in the faith says that God “told” them something or gave them a private message that is not already written in scripture, this indicates that they are not living under the authority of sola scriptura (scripture alone).

In this space, my goal and mission is to share biblical theology from a perspective you may or may not have heard before, with the hope of inspiring Christians to grow in sound biblical doctrine.

                                                                                                Ralph James