One of my favorite books in the bible is Genesis. The reason is that it's the book of beginnings, this amazing book in the bible gives us a blueprint of why the world is the way it is it explains the origins of life. In Genesis 3 we are introduced to the first mention of satan & how he strategizes his evil tactics on mankind. In Genesis 2 we are introduced to the perfect harmony between Adam & his wife Eve. Genesis 2:25 states "And they (Adam & Eve) Were both naked, the man & his wife & were not ashamed".
Here we have a perfect picture of two married couples that were 100% open, intimate, & transparent with one another. Can you imagine a marriage/relationship with no arguments, no misunderstandings, no intimacy issues? Well, the bible says that's exactly the way it was & truly the way God designed it to be.
But something tragic happens in Genesis 3 Adams's wife Eve was deceived by the serpent/satan to disobey God & eat from the tree of the knowledge of good & evil & Adam as well. Now notice what happened after they ate the fruit in Genesis 3:7 it states "Then the eyes of them were opened, & they knew that they were naked; & they sewed fig leaves together & made themselves coverings". The authentic intimacy & trust they once shared was now gone.
Now here comes the real reason marriages struggle. In Genesis 3:14-19, God pronounces judgment on the serpent/satan, Eve & lastly Adam. (I will discuss the curse of the serpent @ a later time). Genesis 3:16 states " To the women He (God) said I will greatly multiply your sorrow & your conception; In pain you shall bring forth children; Your desire shall be for your husband, & he shall rule over you". This verse is saying Eve will now find it hard to submit to Adam as the head of her. The word "desire" in greek/Hebrew means to rule over or control. Eve will now want to control Adam, she's going to want to take over his headship position. Adam will now have to fight her for that respect & control. Eve will also have great pain birthing children (I will talk more on this part in a later post)
Genesis 3:17-19 God's curse on Adam was that he's going to now find it difficult to make a living & provide for his wife & children. No matter what his wife does to help him in this area his heart will now always feel that burden to provide. Next month I will pick back up & dive deeper on this topic to explain the original plan God had for Adam/Man & Eve/Women. And I will also discuss biblical provisions God gave to lessen the curse on male & female roles due to the fall in Genesis 3.